May Student Spotlight

What led you to yoga?
This question is so easy and one of my favorites to answer: Mrs. Marti.
I was sharing with her about my chronic migraine and she invited me to the small Saturday morning yoga class in her basement.
I have been with her on all these lovely Saturday mornings for many years since.
What way has yoga changed your life that you are most grateful for/most amazed at?
In Mrs. Marti’s yoga class I learned to sloooow down—she showed me with yoga. I was a very busy homeschool mom of 5 and struggling, here with her I finally learned to breathe. The breathing exercises at the beginning of class are so wonderful, in fact, I have to go to a clinic in PA for two chronic illnesses I have and one of the things on my doctor’s first list to do was to be in a yoga class at least twice a week. We can so often be in a rush, it is so harmful to our bodies.
I am also seeing so much richness in meditation and centered prayer.
I am amazed to see the fun and strength that I actually have here and there in one pose or another.
I think yoga is really fun.
What is your favorite yoga pose?
My favorite yoga pose is one I had to ask the name of: Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana B (Extended Hand to Foot Pose B)
I like this pose because it is a balancing pose and makes me feel strong, when I really don’t feel well most of the time.
What is special about practicing at Vista?
Vista Yoga is very special to me because I began yoga in Marti’s basement and watched all of this center come to fruition all while I was learning so very much from Mrs. Marti. It was her dream and it has become a warm place for yoga and yummy cooking classes and massage and other neat things…everyone loved it so much they had to expand!
Mrs. Marti’s gentle hand and heart drew me in a long time ago, and other sweet people, Caroline’s bright smile to greet you (and teach you)…I have met such lovely people.
I think my car drives itself there on Saturday mornings! Vista Yoga is my Yoga Home!